Saturday, September 02, 2006

My room

My awesomly cool entertainment center. (Note the up-to-date TV)

My beds...(the bottom one is where I sleep

Just a view of the far side of my room.

My fridge, microwave, one of my dressers and where I hold my dishes.

Friday, September 01, 2006

The whole outfit.

I look like a sad Elf in this picture.Beware the pissed off Shiloh of Gothiness.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Senior Pics

These are some pics that I took for my senior pics. ^^ Enjoy!

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Yes, I have yet another blog. Dunno how long this one will last. *shrugs* oh well. Just another place to vent, I guess. Going back to college tomorrow. I have mixed feelings on the matter. I want to go back 'cause I have more freedom there and I wanna see all my theatre buddies again, but yet I don't want to go back 'cause I wanna stay close to my family. Yes, I know. I live a confusing life. Even I can't figure me out sometimes.

So, while I was in Tenessee, I finally got a chance to spread my wings in D&D. That was pretty fun. I enjoy playing in groups. That's another bad thing about going off to college. Prolly not a lot of people play D&D there 'cause they think it's "the devil". *sighs* Oh well. Looks like I'll be playing over the phone like I have done.

Well, I gotta go and fill out more of my blogs. I lead a busy life online. Woo-hoo.
