Saturday, December 29, 2007

Saturday Night Fever

My first blog on a schedule. Seems kinda strange but maybe it will help me manage my time better. I really should post these earlier, though. That way, it would seem that I actually did post them during the day time instead of waiting till evening to do everything that I forgot to do that day. Heh....

Today was an okay day. Did not want to get up for the life of me. Seriously, I just wanted to lay down in bed all day long. But, I had to get up and start working on job applications...again. Today it was very stressful as I had to write up my first resume and that just annoyed the crap outta me. I was about ready to throw my computer out of the window. That coulda been bad, thinking back on it.

But, relief came at 3 minutes after 5. It was a friend of mine wanting to know if I still wanted to hang out tonight. Heck yes! So, he came and picked me up and we went to his house to play some Halo 3.

Unfortunatly, I didn't get a whole lot of gameplay because his work made him go back 'cause someone called in. Oh well. I got IBC Root Beer out of the deal. lol.

Tomorrow I think my brother and I will be hanging out with him again, but not quite sure yet. I would like to. I miss just hangin' out with friends. That's the one thing I'm going to miss the most about college.

Now, I'm not saying that I don't have friends here in Des Moines, I've been given proof that I do. Yet, everyone is on their own schedules and they almost never line up. At college, everyone is usually done by 5 so you can go to the cafeteria together and even if you can't get together during the day, most of you live on campus near to each other so you can just walk over to their room and hang out.

Oh keep me company, people of the Internet. Show me that I do not write these blogs in vain.

Seriously, I love reading comments from people. I don't care if it's just a "I had a bad day today too" or something like that. I'll comment back, I promise. ^_^