Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Yes...'tis V-day. The most horrible day of the year. Stupid Hallmark holiday. I don't care if it's deeply rooted in history, it's a Hallmark holiday. I mean, if you need a day telling you when to say "I love you" to your significant other, there's something seriously wrong with your relationship. Jenks and I didn't celebrate at all. Unless you consider sharing a box of Sweethearts and working on the Othello set together. I was suppose to go goth today, but since we didn't have school, and since I was running out of time before play practice, I didn't see a point. Tomorrow...that will be the "Gothic Shiloh" day.

Ya know...I was just thinking....I wonder how many people are actually reading this. I mean, I know I'm not some hot Internet celeb or anything, but *shrugs* I dunno. I guess it just makes one feel...erm..."loved" knowing that someone actually takes time out of their day to read one's blog.

Gah! I'm beginning to be so horrible. I mean, I haven't had a quiet time in such a long time. I need to get one set up. Perhaps I'll trying going through Maybe God's Right After All again. That seemed to be a good one. Now all I need to do is stick to it.

Well, I'm off for now. Have to finish up this cross-stitch before next Tues. for C's b-day.

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