Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Random Blogging

I use to be such a quiet creature. I use to keep my opinions to myself unless triggered or asked. Now....now I am quite loud about my opinions. I think everyone should know my opinions. Which is why I have so many blogs. I want my opinions known, but I also want people to comment on them...to challenge them. Makes me feel like someone out there reads my stuff and cares enough to comment/reply back.

So, buckle your seat belts, boys and girls, for Shiloh is getting ready to blog your face off.

First topic: Christianity and other religions. Allow me to give you my religious background. My dad is a Southern Baptist pastor. He has been my entire life. I was raised in a good home. Sure, people called me sheltered, but isn't being sheltered better then getting pregnant at 13?

Anyways, yes, I do believe in God, Jesus as God's Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus came down to earth to die for our sins. No, I don't believe that He was gay or had a sexual relationship with anyone. I believe that the Earth was created, and Man was created by God's hand, we didn't evolve and there was no Big Bang. My belief is that the Earth was created in a literal 7 days, but I wont' really know till I get to ask God when I'm up in Heaven.

I believe that the *only* way to get to Heaven is to believe in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Good deeds won't let you in, believing in another god won't get you in, there's only one way. Jesus said, "I AM the way, the truth, and the life. Whoever believes in me shall not perish, but have everlasting life."

And yes, I am pro-life. When someone has an abortion, they are killing a baby, not a fetus or just a wad of tissue, a BABY. It has been recorded through many tests that babies do, indeed, feel pain. I think that if most women knew what an abortion was, or saw pictures of what their baby will look like before and after an abortion, they wouldn't go through with it. Know what a partical-birth abortion is? It's when they induce labor and as soon as the head comes through, they take a pair of scissors, or another sharp object, and stick it into the base of the baby's head, killing it. Don't believe me? Check here.

Also, I am anti-gay rights. Now, that sound mean, so allow me to expound. I am against giving gays equal rights as straight people. Being gay is a sin. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Now, that doesn't mean that I hate gay people. I have a few friends who are gay/bi. I hate the sin, not the sinner. One can change, I've seen it.

Erm....well, now that I've probably pissed off most of my readers, what else can I talk about?

I am a conservative, technically, when it comes to politics, yet I am registered as an Independent. Why? Because I believe that we should elect people based on who they are and what they believe, not because they belong to one political party or the other.

Talking about politics, what about the war in Iraq? Personally, at the beginning, I wasn't too concerned about it. I was surrounded by people who were all screaming, "Bomb Sadaam!" and the like, but I'm a peaceful person by nature, but I knew that a war was inevitable. Yet, one thing bothers me. The same people who were yelling for the bombings, as soon as we did bomb Iraq, they started to go off on how President George W. Bush was retarded for starting this war. Um, excuse me? What were you saying just a few days ago?

I know that there are things that the President and people in higher power aren't telling us. Are they being mean? No! They're trying to protect the lives of the soldiers who are fighting for us. Look at what happened in the Cold War. We broadcasted all what we were doing and the Russians were watching our TV and knew the same things that we knew. Many people died because of that. If we are watching their TV, wouldn't they be watching our TV? Duh. Maybe they don't want to tell us everything 'cause we, being the stupid people that we are, will over react or something stupid.

Why we went into Iraq in the first place is a mute point. The war has been started, there's nothing we can do about that now. What we have to do, what our job as Americans now, is to end it. Now, I don't mean that we have to pull out right now. I think that's a terrible idea. Even in WWII, we occupied Japan for a few years to make sure that they weren't going to turn around and bite us in the butt. We also occupied Germany for a few years as well. Occupation, though it may be bad for the people and on the soldiers, it's a good thing to keep tabs on those who we are trying to find out about. Have you noticed that the people getting kidnapped has gone down?

If you want to get into a political debate/discussion with me, you can just forget it as I'm not interested. I don't know everything's that's going on in America. If you want to have that discussion, feel free to talk to my brother.

Video games. Either you love or hate 'em. I personally love most of them. There are some that I can't handle (such as F.E.A.R, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, etc.) but for the most part, I find them a good way to escape from the normal life and get to be in the shoes of someone else. Do I believe that video games can make someone go crazy and kill people? If they are already violent in the first place. I've played Mario and other video games ever since I was a kid and I've never killed anyone. In fact, the only person that I've beaten up was my brother, and that's just fine 'cause he's my brother. ;)

Now, there are some video games that should never have been made. Those with pornographic items (Playboy Mansion), those that have no point but just senseless violence (Grand Trismo series), and other items that I disagree with. Do I play violent video games? Some.There are only a few that I can stomach: Star Wars Battlefront II, Call of Duty, and Halo.

Anyways....what else can I talk about....? Nothing is coming to my mind, so I think I'm going to sign out for now. Feel free to comment or something. ^_^


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