Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Actually Blogs

This is going to be one short blog as I don't have a whole lotta time to write. So I'll just fill ya'll into the happenings in my life.

At this moment in time, I hate life. My depression has been kicking in whenever I'm alone, so that's hard on me, especially after I have a good day, come home and just start feeling awful. Also there's some complications that I won't get into 'cause they're kinda personal.

Then there's the whole job hunt thing. I can not find a job. Sure, there may be some places hiring, but they apparently don't want to hire me. I've only worked at Hy-Vee for 5 years. Most people would think that's good, but apparently that's bad. I mean, isn't it saying something that I can pick a job and stick with it, no matter how boring it may get? I didn't just sit there and bag groceries. I did other things. I learned lots of things there. *sighs* But apparently I was just wasting time.

I'm hoping that out of these tons of applications that I've turned in I'll get one call back. Starbuck's told me that they would call me on or before Wednesday. *crosses fingers* I really need a job.

But, on a more positive note, I've gotten out of the house more then I did all summer long last year. Not only that, but I've had fun doing so. Strange that I've been spending it all with one of my ex's but *shrugs* Oh well. It hasn't been that awkward....I don't think. Sometimes I feel like it, but that's a different matter, methinks.

Well, I gotta run and turn some more apps. in. Catch ya cool cats later.

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